Secured Gold Coin (SGC) – a company that offers digital currencies supported by gold

The world economy is littered with miscellaneous cryptocurrencies that fail to deliver on their promises and fiat currencies that are controlled by governments for the benefit of themselves. In response to this growing problem, Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited; based in Australia, has developed Secured Gold Coin(SGC coin), a cryptocurrency that is initially released 60 percent gold-backed coin, is completely decentralized, and is free from manipulation by any single entity. The initial released 60% gold backed coin means that the quantity of gold backing the coin at the time of initial release is not affected by the price volatility of SGC coin or Gold in the future. SGC coins are unique because they have been created specifically for global usage with a virtual wallet that eliminates the need to carry physical cash.
The advantages of SGC blockchain based software contracts (smart contracts) enable SGC coins to be decentralized, secure, and transparent for all users. SGC will initially employ standard digital coins that are exchangeable for specified cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. SGC holders will have the ability to buy and sell their coins following the official listing on the public cryptocurrency exchange.

Key Objectives

We are focused on achieving three critical objectives. We believe the achievement of these objectives are congruent with the best interests of SGC users and will provide intrinsic value to the communities that embrace SGC coins.

  • First objective

is to develop a secure, stable, and usable asset backed hybrid currency, thus digitizing the real-world assets

  • Secondly

we aim to supply digital assets that incorporate ease-of-access, transparency, and reliability in digital assets that can be used daily or held long-term.

  • Finally

it is essential that principals of security, stability, and usability are embedded within the concepts of SGC.


Most of the companies offering gold-backed digital currencies are reluctant to store any physical gold for avoiding the headache of security or any other risk involved. Moreover, they do not want to be dependent on any third party to get involved in their systems to ensure the security of their gold reserves. Secured Gold Coin with its partners, is ready to face the challenges as they store physical gold in a secure vault. Thus, when you become the user of SGC coins, the physical gold equivalent to 60% part of your initially released SGC coin will be attached to your wallet address and displayed on the SGC Blockchain Explorer. So whenever a user buys SGC coins, a gold certificate is attached to the wallet address of the user. Once the certificate is issued, the wallet address shall remain the same even if its traded to other addresses. Which means that the price and quantity of gold mentioned on the certificate against the SGC coin being purchased, will remain the same and cannot change on the re-selling, valuation, or devaluation of the same coin.


Other than our key objective of providing a universal cryptocurrency for the users to trade hybrid digital assets (asset + utility), and make payments, we are looking forward towards the goals that will lead the SGC coin to become global. With our SGC PAY Debit Card integration, the SGC coin will be adopted as mainstream. The SGC PAY will open new ways of spending and sending SGC coins. The SGC Online Shop aims to provide ways of utilization for our hybrid (asset + utility) coin. And finally listing our coin on global exchanges will make trading easier for the users.

  • We’ve established a fundamental association with MasterCard, Visa Card, and Union Pay
  • SGC PAY debit card integration
  • List SGC coin on exchange
  • SGC Online Shop
  • SGC Crypto Bank
  • Achieve at least a 51% utilization rate in the retail based market by 2024.


Challenges in Bangking System

In the banking system, there are several monetary issues specifically in the cross-border payments settlement which is the base of our businesses today. The system has many inherent flaws and challenges that we need to overcome. Many of our businesses are struggling because of the drawbacks of our conventional banking system. The centralized banking system has been the root of the challenges. Banks being controlled by a central authority who demands the users and businesses to be dependent on it. So, even if it is a cross-border payment or even a transaction of one’s money from the banks, one is dependent on the banks to perform the transaction which also charges heavy fees in turn. These high fees in itself are not favourable for businesses as they gallop a part of the company’s profit.


SGC Coin is not just an asset backed cryptocoin rather it works as a hybrid coin. On one hand, its initial release is 60% backed by physical gold on the other it can be used as a utility coin on our E-commerce platform, be traded on exchanges or can even be integrated with our SGC PAYDebit Card for further payment options. To make the currency available everywhere you go, SGC has introduced various methods for SGC usability. These options make SGC available for you as and when required according to your need and choice. From making payments on online e-commerce platforms to paying on point of sale with SGC PAY Debit Card, from trading to sending and receiving of money from mobile application SGC coin has got all options to make the SGC user content.

Challenges of Cryptocurrencies

To overcome the issues of traditional investments and stock exchanges, cryptocurrencies were introduced. A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies. Initially, they seemed to solve the problems faced in the traditional investment procedures but they have there inherent limitations and challenges as well. Over a period of time, cryptocurrencies are evolved in the following manner.

Currency Coins

Currency tokens/coins like BTC, ETH, and LTC were made just as a replacement for fiat money. They are used as a payment method and can be traded for real fiat. users have used them as investments owing to the trends of various cryptocurrencies showing an increase in valuation Bitcoin being on the top. But these currency coins specifically bitcoin have been incredibly volatile since its inception. The price volatility of bitcoin can be visualized from the graph below where the bitcoin index value for the end of October 2016 was 679 U.S. dollars reaching to 19,783.06 U.S. dollars on December 17, 2017, in just a year.

Utility Coins

Utility tokens/coins came into being after the evolution of currency coins. These coins are mostly used in ICO’s and expect an increase in value to the users by providing practical utilities to the users and platform users. The valuation of these coins is dependent on supply and demand cycles and are thus vulnerable to outside stimuli. One cannot guarantee a future profit while investing in a utility coin. Here’s a plot of 118 coins that have been floated onto the markets that have achieved at least an average of $250,000 market cap in any one year of their existence. The graph clearly depicts how the value of most of the coins has fallen

Asset-Backed Hybrid Coins

After the introduction of Bitcoin and Ethereum, there has been constant research on improving the cryptocurrency market. The cryptocurrencies have kept on improving from a basic investment based tradable currencies to utility coins, security coins, asset-backed coins, and now the hybrid coins.


coins are the invention for the future. These are the blockchain coins backed by real valuable assets mostly at 1:1 ratio but can be changed depending on the need of a platform. Backing a coin with the real-world tangible or intangible object of economic value makes the worth of coin exactly the value they are backed for. Thus, there is never the risk of losing digital assets until or unless the worth of asset falls.

SGC Hybrid Coins

Benefits of Asset-Backed Coins

Tokenizing assets has become a very advantageous source of making investments as it is turning the world into a massive stock market. There are some benefits of asset-backed coins given below:

  • Liquidity enhancement

Asset tokenization enhances the liquidity of assets that otherwise have very low liquidity. It allows asset owners to capture liquidity premiums from assets that otherwise, due to low liquidity would not be actively traded because of low liquidity results in making assets expensive to trade.

  • Instant traceability via exchanges

Liquidity matters when introducing a new type of asset; users will be nervous and so will want to avoid long-term lock-in. Real-time settlement offers instant traceability via crypto exchanges, which is the first step towards liquidity.

  • Diversification of risk

Through tokenizing assets, people who cannot make huge investments can invest in some percentage of the whole asset making them able to get the ownership of one cheap part instead of an expensive whole. Tokenizing the asset allows diversification of risk such that one owner won’t be much affected if the whole asset is damaged and lose its value because he has invested in a part of different assets.

  • Ownership transference without restrictions

Asset-backed coins let the dealers and owners transfer ownership without the restrictions of temporal and territorial barriers as the coins can be sold globally.

  • A secure and cost-efficient way of getting ownership

Asset-backed coins on blockchain provide secure, cost-efficient, and fast way of getting ownership as the transactions on the blockchainhave low to no transaction cost.

  • Referral incentivization for influencers

An influencer who has fractional ownership of an asset through asset-backed coins is incentivized for bringing more users or buyers into the asset.

  • Low administrative costs

Tokenization diminishes the administrative costs: due to excessive documentation because smart contracts instantly execute agreements that improve the speed of settlements.

  • Availability of assets’ ownership history

Trust through verifiability, transparency, and immutability. This is where regulation is critical as we are in the scammy era of Blockchaintoday. Tokenizing the assets using block – chain makes the asset securitization easier because the owners can know the history of the asset about previous ownership. Moreover, lawyers can make use of the transac – tions history to transfer ownership of the asset. In this way, the frauds like occupying land illegally, in the real estate industry would be minimized as complete history would be available.


  • Security

The users will be able to track all transactions and these transactions will be immutable courtesy blockchain technology.

  • Stability

The SGC coins are stable with their value because their value will not fluctuate or deplete as other cryptocurrencies’ values have become. SGC coin is backed by gold which will remain on high demand that will keep its value stable. So the users will get a definite benefit when they exchange SGC with fiat currency at a high exchange rate

  • Usability

Users can use secured gold coins for making payments while purchasing different items. They can use SGC coins for trading and exchanging them with other cryptocurrencies or fiat from the global exchange. SGC coins are available to any new user as the Signup process is quick and easy.

As cryptocurrency has not been accepted everywhere till now, therefore it is a very useful way of spending SGC coins using your SGC PAY Debit Card as it makes SGC coins usable everywhere.


The blockchain is a decentralized distributed ledger that allows secure, fast, and cost-efficient transactions to be made in no time. With blockchain, the data stored cannot be changed once entered which makes it an immutable distributed ledger. Being a decentralized and distributed architecture, blockchain allows everyone on the network, to take part in the transaction validation mechanism called consensus making it a highly trustworthy, secure, anti-fraudulent, and durable for data storage.


People often question how digital currenciescan have value without being backed by any tangible asset. The answer is: they are more durable, divisible, fungible, scarce, and transferable than fiat currencies. But there are several digital currencies backed by tangible asset known as asset-backed tokens/coins. The most popular of asset-backed digital currenciesare Gold-backed coins that have physical gold to sustain their value. The potential asset-backed coin market size is much bigger and encompasses different assets such as oil, gold, fiat currencies, diamonds, real estate, shares of companies, artwork, intellectual property etc.

Security Tokens

Security tokens and Security Token Offerings (STO’s) are the new things in the market. They were introduced to tackle the problem of currency tokens and utility tokens. Security tokens offer dividends from the company’s profit to the users. They work the same as the stock exchange shares. Security tokens are however more secure than utility currencies but the problem of losing all the investment in case of loss is still there. There is just a need for a digital asset that can assure users of some guaranteed value to remove the insecurities. The predicted hype cycle also foresee a fall in the liquidity of the security tokens in the upcoming years.

SGC Wallet

Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited has developed its crypto wallet that will facilitate the users to make transactions and view their information on transactions made by themselves. SGC in its aim to provide users with ease with as many options as possible, has developed the SGC Wallet across multiple platforms including SGC Web Wallet, SGC Mobile Wallet (Android, iPhone), and SGC Desktop Wallet (Windows, Linux, MAC). Our SGC wallet enables the user to,

  • Create New Account:

the users can create new wallets from the SGC Wallet applications on all platforms. This refers to the generation of new credentials.

  • Import Accounts:

a user can import an already existing accounts into the SGC Wallet using KeyStore file or private keys.

  • Passphrase and Pattern Security:

SGC has employed passphrase and pattern security. This involves key encryption with a passphrase or a pattern (for mobile devices).

  • Check Account Balance:

a user can check his/her account balance.

  • Check Overall Balance of Accounts in Wallet:
  • Check Transactions:
  • Check Transaction History:
  • Send SGC Coins:

A user can send SGC coins from his wallet by setting the transaction fee as per his/her choice. A user is required to provide the passphrase of account before transaction.

SGC wallet comes with the functionality of SGC PAY Debit Card integration to allow an additional usability feature for the SGC Coins.

  • Deploy Contract:

Users can deploy contracts from the SGC Wallets by providing private key at the run time. No keys will be stored during the process.

Coin at Time Of Initial Release

  • Total Price Per Coin (USD) : $1
  • Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD – 40%) : $0.4
  • Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD – 60%) : 0.6
  • Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD) : $40
  • Gold Per Coin (Grams) : 0.015 gm

Coin at Time Of Initial Release

  • Total Price Per Coin (USD) : $10
  • Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD – 40%) : $8.8
  • Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD – 60%) : $1.2
  • Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD) : $80
  • Gold Per Coin (Grams) : 0.015 gm


This schedule of events is merely a projection of future coin releases: depending on demand and supply and is subject to change at any time. Deviations from this schedule will be accompanied by an official announcement to the public. Furthermore, the total supply of SGC coins in existence will not at any point in time exceed one billion SGC coins.




Qazi Ahmad Mukhtar
Founder and CEO

Alvia Wang
Co-Founder, Chief Operations Officer


The part of quality and quantity

To to be able to reach a larger market — bothcryptocurrency and gold investors, it is necessary for Secured Gold Coin as a platform to employ the services of expert digital marketers and influencers to drive traffic to their social media channels while creating an engaging online community.

Featuring the platform in top media publications like Forbes, Yahoo Finance, CCN, CoinTelegraph,, and Hackernoon which have a large reader-base could prove invaluable in bringing Secured Gold Coin to the attention of potential investors.

Also, the inclusion of more incentivized community activities directed towards increasing the online presence of Secured Gold Coin would serve to further increase the project’s online visibility.

Realizing that all great things take time, I believe that in the nearest future, Secured Gold Coin will become one of the most preferred means of investing in the highly liquid and profitable gold markets.

As an investor, I would always seek to use more transparent platforms that are dedicated to improving their brand through partnerships, security audits, and regular community updates.

I had to take my time to outline the differences to inform individuals interested in investing in gold via cryptocurrency realize that although platforms similar to Secured Gold Coin exist, Secured Gold Coin offers numerous advantages over existing alternatives.


TOPEX.IO -trading platform with profit distribution to token holders

this is an imaginative multifunctional monetary instrument for exchanging , Generally adjustable interface that enables you to erase or move every one of the things, since it’s helpful for you to function as you are utilized to. Arranging inside components, warnings on various squares. You can make a totally custom interface from the different components that you require. CryptoPortfolio The implicit cryptoportfolio in the stage will empower you to track all adjustments in benefit, share data on obtained coins with different clients without approval. Making exchanges for purchasing or offering all data will be recorded and shown in your portfolio.


The is a standout amongst the most secure trades, the security of which depends on an appropriated strategy utilizing neural systems. It is wanted to utilize multidimensional appropriated innovation of putting away keys, passwords used to work with the records of the trade.

Cash Save

The monetary model of expects to lessen advertise chances in the exchange of digital money and fiat cash. Our trade manages halfway or full pay of misfortunes in the system of exchanging activities, the opening and shutting of which was affected inside 24 hours.

Social Tools

Trust administration is one of the apparatuses that enables you to in part or totally avoid your activities for purchasing or offering digital money. The arrangement of examination of experienced merchants gives extra open doors for legitimate venture. Every merchant in his/her own record can consent to track their activities for purchasing or offering digital money resources and along these lines acquire TPX tokens.

Exchanging offers our clients an arrangement of request composes to give dealers the devices they requirement for each situation (Limit, Market, Stop, Trailing Stop, Hidden and Smart Order). Edge Trading, clients can offer subsidizing at their preferred rate and length. Furthermore clients can utilize our Auto-Renew highlight to restore their offers naturally upon expiry.

Programming interface and Mobile Devices

Steady and agreeable execution on cell phones with API. New innovation that guarantees positive client encounter. For included security, your versatile application can be modified with just the authorizations you need to give it.

Client benefit

The nearness of a top notch group and an insightful procedure of client bolster with an accentuation on operational productivity enables us to always bolster the customers at the largest amount.


PUBLIC CROWDSALE DATES: starts on September nineteenth, 12:00 UTC and goes on for about a month

first week offers 30% Bonus: 1ETH = 5000TPX + 30% (6500TPX); second week offers 20% Bonus: 1ETH = 5000TPX + 20% (6000TPX); third week offers 10% Bonus: 1ETH = 5000TPX + 10% (5500TPX); fourth week without Bonus: 1ETH = 5000TPX;

Hard Cap: 20 000 ETH

Max. Token Supply: 200 000 TPX (100%)

Max. Open Crowdsale: 140 000 TPX (70%)

Max. Tokens Reserve: 50 000 TPX (25%)

Max. Abundance: 10 000 TPX (5%)

Acknowledged Currencies: ETH

The improvement of the exchanging stage and customer programming will proceed promptly after the consummation of the token deal. The presentation of the beta adaptation of the stage and the customer are normal by Q1 2019.


Andrey Topilskiy
Andrey Orlov
Dmitry Akimov
Simon Menkovich
Dmitry Tarakanov

Stage One
➥ 1. July – Sep 2017
The idea of creating, the analysis of competitors, the need to create a project, the search for a team, consultations with specialists in specialized fields.
➥ 2. Oct – Dec 2017
Approbation of the idea, preparation of WhitePaper, development of the economic model and its description, team approval.
➥ 3. Jan 2018 – Mar 2018
Website development, registration in social networks, development of personal account and the bounty program
➥ 4. Apr – Jun 2018
Development of the project legality and search of the country with legal regulation for registration of a private company with the status of a limited liability company.
➥ 5. Jul – Oct 2018
Announcement of the project. Advance marketing among early investors. Preparation for the ICO.Stage Two
➥ 1. Nov 2018 – Jan 2019
Development of a full-fledged exchange platform with a minimal functional set, debugging of the system, verification of security systems.
➥ 2. Feb 2019 – Arp 2019
Announcement of the first beta version of the platform, with a minimum set of trading pairs, beta testing, debugging of the loss compensation system.
➥ 3. May – Jul 2019
Release of the trading platform, as a full-fledged financial instrument for the exchange of crypto currency.
➥ 4. Aug – Oct 2019
Development of social tools for traders.
➥ 5. Nov – Jan 2020
Development of a system for analyzing the rise or fall of prices in the crypto-currency market.

goal is to change the notion of crypto-exchange markets.
Given all the shortcomings of competitors, we create a truly safe, ergonomic and socially-oriented product. Our unique economic model removes all kinds of barriers when entering the crypto-currency market. Each user of the exchange will receive additional opportunities in making a profit.

More information:
✅ Website:
✅ White paper:
✅ Twitter:
✅ Facebook:
✅ Telegram:

My profil:;u=2122176

Eth: 0x75eA6568597ABfd3Cd346CdbeB574809874DE0aB

Topex Project Overview

About Topex

Topex electronic trading platform with daily compensation and profit sharing among TPX cardholders. A brand new electronic currency exchange with daily profit sharing between the TPX token holder and compensation for the loser during the transaction. An economic model developed by experts and calculated in the smallest detail can bring you almost all your losses, up to 100%. creates conditions for transparency, convenience and simplicity with minimal risk for traders. With, the risks associated with declining transactions allow traders to save money in the event of default. will use TradingView chart

Traders all over the world use TradingView as their primary analysis tool. The chart allows you to perform technical analysis online, build and find trend line signals to open or close a transaction. The presence of a large number of indicators will provide a more specific quality of price movements.

Price forecasting system integrated with graphics to reduce business losses.

The system will analyze several parameters of the transaction, compare different periods of data and find a similar technical analysis, and the neural network is integrated into the system with an expert analysis team. The company will repair the system and make changes from the price. This feature will be provided to all users using the TPX token.


Their goal is to change the concept of the cryptographic market. With all the shortcomings of our competitors, we create a truly safe, practical and social product. Our unique business model removes all kinds of obstacles when entering the foreign exchange market. Each user sharing will have more opportunities for profit.


Exchange not only provides a multifunctional financial instrument, but also one of the safest and most secure exchanges based on distributed methods using neural networks. When you use services that store information about user accounts, portfolios, etc. When storing information on a server, even in encrypted form, there is a risk of information being compromised for an attacker. There are currently technological solutions that can protect data and ensure anonymity.

Tpx code

Topex Token (TPX) is a 100% useful commercial token for its owner, thanks to the commission charged by the exchange, while the market and distribution among TPX card holders. Daily dividends will be distributed among the portfolios of cardholders as a percentage of all cards placed on the market. ICO will be implemented on the basis of Ethereum using an intelligent contract.
The marker will be an ERC20 marker.


In recent years, they have seen a large number of websites offering electronic money exchange services and all are the same. However, an analysis of users of electronic money shows that they are all looking for a common platform that can reliably and easily manage their finances with several electronic coins, having access to the general information of the seller and monitoring market capitalization. Electronic money users need a platform that is suitable for trading, buying or selling various types of electronic money that can completely change their understanding of encryption exchanges. This is the task that solved – a platform for exchanging electronic money with compensation and daily distribution of profits among TPX cardholders.

More details:






My profil:;u=2122176

Eth: 0x75eA6568597ABfd3Cd346CdbeB574809874DE0aB World Finest Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform Solidly Built on Blockchain Tech

Project Overview

Wow, this is superb. We are so glad to welcome you to the most transparent, extensible and unbreakable platform. By now you must be vigilant that the cryptocurrency business has been drawing earnest ecumenical attention recently? So many people have invested in the cryptocurrency market and magnifying gains. It’s worthy to note that crypto investments which are online investments predicated on the blockchain technology is authentically very much remuneratively lucrative. People are always probing for investment projects that very much reliable and have a great future. Now recollect how I told you guys that the world is primarily ruled by business, and business on the other hand is ruled by information in this generation, the truth whoever, is that the amount of information you have about a business determines how successful you’ll be in that business. And this is why we are here to bring to our readers- crypto investors updates on world greatest ICOs. I have always monitored crypto-currency news, and today I came across a very captivating project with good crypto-currency future. Let me introduce you to one of cryptocurrency Exchange project- is a crypto-currency exchange with a daily profit distribution between TPX token holders and emolument for trade losses. Several exchanges with a profit distribution are on the market, but there are none that would compensate losses up to 100% in case of unsuccessful investments in the crypto currency.

Trading and investing in crypt currencies, over the past few years have proven that it can be a very remuneratively lucrative enterprise and in the recent years, the volume of trade in the crypto-currency market has incremented an abundance of times, at the same time the total market capitalization of crypto-active assets increases significantly every day. Bitcoin and Etherium represent a paramount part of the overall market, but the cost of other crypto-assets is skyrocketing, along with their number. In the last year, market capitalization of Bitcoin has fallen to 43% and the market has many competitors able to take its place now. The exchange of the crypto-currency between themselves and for fiat currency is mainly carried out on centralized trading exchanges, where the general capitalization of a particular currency is resolute. Exchange utilizes the disruptive power of blockchain technology to significantly cause revolution in the exchange industry. has proven to be one of the most advanced and reliable decentralized platforms for crypto currency trading platform with a high level of security – one of the safest, fastest and most powerful platforms is a complex method that allows to simplify work on exchange, and minimize losses in case of unsuccessful trades. It is not only a platform for crypto-currency exchange, but a full-fledged financial instrument with a huge number of possibilities, thanks to a unique architecture that allows performing a large number of complex algorithms in the shortest possible exchange also creates the necessary conditions for transparency, convenience and simplicity with minimal risks for traders. Fast and affordable crypto-currency deposit/withdrawals increase the likelihood of its introduction into everyday life by reducing the barriers to entering cryptology.

The introduction of blockchain technology allows for electronic transactions to occur in a secure, deterministic, and tamper-proof way. Blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies are the two keys to a more advanced, democratic and independent society. Blockchain technology has become a force that is giving rise to new, decentralized structures that will shape future societies, economies and each of us individually.

Blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies are the two keys to a more advanced, democratic and independent society. Blockchain technology has become a force that is giving rise to new, decentralized structures that will shape future societies, economies and each of us individually. The development of technology and the digital world has evolved the need for emerging crypto currencies and at the same time there is much theft through weak systems in the absence of strong security in protecting the assets of crypto.

The platform aims at reducing risks and all kinds of barriers when entering the crypto currency market. Thereby making cryptocurrency trading very simple and accessible which are its core value- Simplicity and Accessibility.

How Works

Each member of the exchange will be able to include the function of compensation for losses in his/her personal account and when making a transaction, he/she will automatically fall under compensation, paying commission when making a transaction. If, during the trading of the crypto-currency, its total initial balance for the same trading pair decreases, at the end of the day it will be compensated for losses from the compensation fund, which is 25% of the total profit of the exchange for 24 hours. The volume of compensation will be calculated based on the volume of negative transactions in relation to the total volume of negative transactions of other bidders. Also, if a participant owns TPX tokens, then once in 24 hours he will be credited with the remaining part of the profit (75%) as a percentage of the total tokens holders on the exchange.

The unutilized compensation fund is postponed to the next 24 hours, which will allow a large part of the losses to be compensated for by a major drop in the exchange rate of a particular currency.

Advantages/Economic Model of Exchange is very much aware that Due to the relative novelty of the markets, crypto-currency is characterized by an increased volatility, as such, is creating a new generation exchange by making a deep analysis of the competitive environment, coupled with a systematic approach to reducing the uncertainty of trade in crypto currency.’s exchange model allows you to hedge volatility risks for traders through loss-compensation transactions.

The advantageous features include;

· The economic model underlying is aimed at reducing volatility risks.

· Website security solutions are aimed at reducing operational risks.

· Marketing campaign and successfully functioning website by its very existence will be attracting traders and investors. Therefore reducing the risk of liquidity.

Token/ICO Details

Topex Token will be available for sale on 19 September 2018. During the Public Crowdsale, 5000 TPX tokens will be credited for 1 ETH. Each stage of the sale implies additional bonuses. During the ICO we will sell 70% of the total amount of tokens.

The exchange of tokens will take place in several stages.

· The first stage of Private-sale will be available for Angel investors who will receive 40% of the bonus.

· The second stage will be held for all comers within a month. The first week of the second stage will reward all investors with 30% of the bonus. The second week will reward all investors with 20% of the bonus. The third week will reward with 10% of the bonus. During the last week bonuses will be absent.

All tokens will be blocked until the end of the ICO.

The exchange of tokens may end earlier if the maximum amount of dues is reached. The maximum set amount of dues is 20000 ETH or 10,000,000 $ (equivalent to 1ETH = $500).


For more information about the project, please join any of the channels;







My profil:;u=2122176

Eth: 0x75eA6568597ABfd3Cd346CdbeB574809874DE0aB




Health is the main thing that must be maintained by every human being. Where abundant valuable assets are meaningless if they are not accompanied by quality health. This is because the decline in health will also affect the ability to think and manage their financial assets. To always maintain health, of course you need to do a medical check-up at a certain period. But of course this periodic checking also requires a large fee. Therefore in the midst of economic difficulties that are currently being faced by some people. Preventive measures are the right thing to implement in order to avoid serious diseases that will take time and energy to cure.
In line with the above medical problems, currently Asclepius as a Blockchain technology platform has services in similar fields. Where you can get a variety of medical services such as general information that is summarized with various forms of creative content such as drugs, consulting services with expert doctors, health examination schedules, and e-wallet features that are used to conduct various transactions. All of these services can be enjoyed in a decentralized application. Besides this medical service is also provided with a variety of language choices. This is of course so that Asclepius can serve all his patients who are located throughout the world.
Seeing the functions and benefits of Asclepius certainly makes you think that this is very far from the function of the real Blockchain technology. This is of course because we are too accustomed to seeing this sophisticated technology being integrated into various types of financial transaction and investment platforms. But one thing that you must understand is, which Blockchain technology is a technology system that is universal. Where decentralization and encryption services are the two main things that are always relied upon. Therefore Asclepius has now taken a strategic step by integrating Blockchain technology in its operating system. In addition, as we all know, information about medical matters is not always permanent. Because every day there will be just the latest cases or problems handled. This will also automatically spur medical scientists to concoct or create the latest medicines that are far more effective. Therefore the actuality and integrity of this information can be achieved if it empowers Blockchain technology which will be the main door to deter various attackers. In addition, we can say that health problems are very sensitive issues. Even a small mistake can have a big impact.


We will create a virtual laboratory ASCAa Lab on Asclepius Network, which is the global medical information network we will develop.
ASCAa Lab will offer a virtual research environment, where leading medical researchers around the world can participate, capitalizing on the integrated advanced medical knowledge and expertise and medical records from around the world.
One of the systems to be developed from the use of the integrated data is an AI-assisted diagnostic system, starting from AI-assisted diagnostic imaging.
The research results will be used for various businesses to promote the health of all the people in the world.
In addition to health information, we will carefully choose products with solid reputation based on expert knowledge and certify them with genuine effects and highly reliable information. We will support evidence-based health promotion by providing the ASCAa Lab-certified health care product information to the people around the world.


We aim to develop a “medical information platform” of the most advanced medical care. We will achieve this goal by using blockchain and encryption technologies.
  1. Authenticity: Medical information contains highly classified information. The information on the most advanced medical care collected for the integration of expertise and knowledge as well as the medical records containing personal information such as diagnostic and health checkup records must not be ever falsified.
  2. Security: The patient records and medical information stored on the blockchain must not be deleted.
  3. Availability: The medical information system that supports the most advanced medical care must run 24/7 without any interruption.
  4. Scalability: The system must accommodate exponentially increasing medical information, patient records, and health checkup data while sustaining updates into the future.
The system can overcome all these challenges only with the use of blockchain technology, the technology cryptocurrencies are based on.
The medical information on the integrated expertise and knowledge of the most advanced medical care and the medical records containing personal diagnostic records and health checkup data needs protection from falsification, especially when their authenticity is paramount in case of medical malpractice and medical accidents. Furthermore, each data set contains extremely personal and private information so that it will be highly encrypted. With these technologies, the information will become verifiable and secure big data for operations.
In addition, the use of blockchain technology will secure the prevention of data loss in the event of some nodes coming under unforeseen circumstances and enable the medical system to continue to operate without interruption.


No matter how excellent our vision for “Asclepius Network” project is, and no matter how abundant the information on our medical blockchain system is, we will end up turning the whole information into a large chunk of waste unless we can integrate, manage, and utilize it. We will not only build a medical blockchain system, but also develop the software to integrate and utilize the medical and healthcare information.


Many may wonder if any tools can aid doctors and other users in situations like the above. The key to overcome these challenges shall lie in the services we now start to introduce.
Many may also wonder whether any tools can deliver medical care to everyone on the earth. The answer to this challenge shall once again be found in these services.
These services will serve as the entrance to the integration of the most advanced expertise and knowledge, which is the core of the medical blockchain system, and they will eventually mean the exit from it.
Here is our electronic medical record system for all doctors and health promotion app for everyone.


Our electronic medical record system ASCAa-EMR comes with next-generation operability, and we plan to embed the diagnosis assisting information in the system.
In Japan, a so-called five minute-diagnosis rule has been put in place, so that each patient encounter shall take five minutes as set by the nation’s medical fee system. The objective of this rule is to promote more thorough examination of the patient, which could otherwise be shorter. But the current medical record system is too cumbersome to simply make an entry in time; the rule hasn’t, thus, helped doctors to spend more time examining their patients. With ASCAa-EMR’s efficient operability, it will take only thirty seconds to make an entry of a patient’s record. This patented technology of ours will significantly shorten the time necessary to make an entry of a medical record, which will, in turn, allow doctors to spend more time facing their patients.
AI-aided diagnostic information
Multilingual ASCAa-EMR
Usability improvement
Embedded wallet functionality
Telemedicine to be made possibl
Real-time research of the latest pharmaceutical information
Reservation system and insurance claim function


Our revolutionary healthcare app ASCAa-Personal will be developed to support the users’ health in many aspects. ASCAa-Personal will seamlessly link individual health information and clinical records and offer the health guidance that best matches their health conditions, while serving for the accumulation and integration of medical expertise and knowledge and medical records.
Health support informative videos
Digital medicine notebook
Provision of health check-up results and associated health information
Alert for severe disease prevention
Health check-up support
Application for Mail Medical Check
Access to medical information infrastructure and search function.
Wallet function and amulet
Multilingual ASCAa-Personal


ASCA token (ASCA, henceforth) will be issued to be used for various scenes within Asclepius Network.
ASCA purchased through the complimentary sale will be locked up, and 10% of the purchased ASCA will be distributed at the end of each month over the 10-month period, starting from the month ASCA launches first exchange.
In order to improve the value of ASCA, the project operating company Japan Medical Solutions may buy ASCA on the secondary market with part of the profits in accordance with its sales. As the number of ASCAa-EMR and Asclepius Network project users grows, the sales from the operations will increase; that is, the growth of the project will improve the premium on ASCA.
Enterprise use
Deposit to install ASCAs-EMR for the Asclepius Network project
Deposit to use the medical information infrastructure of the Asclepius Network project
Personal use
Amulet upon the installment of the ASCAa-Personal health app
Discounts on services and purchase through ASCAa-Personal health app


Establishment of JpMedsn
60,000,000 JPY in capital as of H1
Start of ASCAa-EMR development
148,750,000 JPY in capital as of H1
Start of ASCAa-Personal development
ASCAa-EMR α version released, trial phase in several clinics
Rollout of ASCAa-EMR α version in Q1 / Apple App Store certification acquired
249,750,000 JPY in capital as of H2
Q2 2018
Launch of ASCAa-Personal and start of full-scale promotion in Q2
Q3 2018
Rollout of ASCAa-EMR β version in Q3, pilot operation
Q2 2019
Launch of ASCAa-EMR and start of full-scale promotion in Q2
Full-scale distribution of ASCAa-Personal with ASCA issued
Creating ASCAa Lab in 2Q


Hiroyuki Yamaguchi: CEO, JpMedsn Co., Ltd.
Masakuni Tamura: Director on Board, JpMedsn Co., Ltd.
Kazuma Kurokawa: CFO


Medical Supervision
Hiroyuki YasuokaMD: Director, Minami Akasaka Clinic
Peter Lingström: Professor/Senior Dental Officer,
Department of Cariology, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Sales advisor
Lalit Bansal: Marketing Strategy Advisor
Marketing Strategy Advisor
Dmitri Belkov
Technology Adviser
Bharat Gandass
Intellectual property rights supervision
Ryosuke Tamura: Attorney chief patent, Lighthouse International Patent Firm

My profil:;u=2122176

Eth: 0x75eA6568597ABfd3Cd346CdbeB574809874DE0aB


Peaceful greetings of the universe

AKA is Community-Driven Social Network & Market Place Platform that Aims together with Community Putting People First.


AKA is Community-Driven Platform that aims together with community putting people first. On AKA Platform, you can upload photos, video, files, write blogs, join in forums, and sell products at the marketplace. Where you can earn, spend and share AKA Coin as Community Currency all in one platform.


Crypto Currency Blockchain Technology is Predicted to be the Best Invention after the Internet. This Opinion is not a Shallow Judgments because we are seeing Big Corporations are Attracted and Investing Heavily on these Technology. Soon or Later these Technology will Bloom like Internet and Community is not Prepared Well on How to Embrace these Technology Wisely same as like Internet Frenzy before because of Limited number of Social Network MarketPlace Platform to Educate and Accommodate Non Crypto Crypto Community.

There are only a few Crypto Currency Projects in the Market now that are Initiated to be a Medium of Learning Practice in How to Use Crypto Currency Properly, Easier, Secure and give it’s All Behind Technology Advantages without having to invest first. This makes Crypto Currency hardly Gain Traction with Non Crypto Community because in their Understanding regarding Crypto Currency is not an Urgency Matters.

A Limited number of Social Network have Mutually Beneficial business model and Incentivization Scheme for User.

Third Party don’t have Express Affordable Promotion Long-Term Collaboration Platform and hardly recognise a Valid Supporter Participants ( Because the Inconvenience and Reluctance of supporters participants to do KYC for each different project )

Supporter Participants hardly to find platforms for Instant Cash Out Long-Term Gains to new project and only need once KYC for every project.

Difficulty to Launch Project with Express Traction and Supporter Participant hardly finds Instan Cash Out at Initial Phase.


AKA Coin is Ethereum-Based Crypto Currency and Begin its Debut as AKA Community Currency Outside Inside AKA Social Network MarketPlace Platform. AKA Platform is a Home to Educate and Accommodate AKA Community to be Involved in Crypto BlockChain Universe and Substantially use AKA Coin as a Medium of Learning Practice of Crypto Currency especially in Indonesia and for the Entire World.

Indonesia as the Fourth Most Populous Country on Earth but with minimum Education, Information and Practice of Crypto Currency Blockchain is the Perfect Trial Target of Learning and Practice.

In Order to make sure that AKA Crypto Currency Gains Traction, Contagious and become a Medium of Learning Practice of Crypto Currency, AKA Coin is offering AKA Crypto Currency to Everyone Free of Fiat Money Charge except Paying Gas Fee, by doing SelfDrop.

It’s a Mission to Introduce Crypto Currency as Future Digital Currency to Non Crypto Community and as an Alternate for Crypto Community.

AKA Coin Detail

Token Name: AKA Coin
Token Ticker : AKA
Token Symbol : ≹
Token Standard: ERC-20
Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Total Supply: 77,000,000,000
Decimals: 18
Smart Contract Address : 0xa69674914c9bce52ada572329770ca8464dcfe49
1st Self Drop Amount: 170.000 AKA
Block Explorer:

Road Map

Q3 2019

  • Launch AKA Beta Platform
  • Smart Contract Deployed on Ethereum Network
  • SelfDrop, AirDrop and Bounty

Q4 2019

  • Dex Trading
  • BitcointalkAKA Platform Bounty
  • Exchange Listing Voting

Q1 2020

  • Listing on Exchange
  • Trading Competitions
  • Wallet Integration on AKA Platform Donate / Tipping
  • Bounty ( Content Challenge )

Q2 2020

  • Listing on more Exchange
  • Trading Competitions
  • Dating,FundRaising,Marketplace with AKA Coin available on AKA Platform.

Q3 2020

  • Third Party Service Project Launcing on AKA Platform
  • Third Party Service/ Brand to Introduce Product/ Services while Incentivize User in Mutually Beneficial way

Update Roadmap Q4 2020 -2021

Team Success

Yetty Chua: CEO Founder
Rinto Effendy: COO Co Founder


AKA Max Supply is 77 Billions. The Purpose is We Want All People to have a Bigger Chance to Adapt Crypto Currency and Ensure that Supply is Met. Every Single Person should have Ease of Access to AKA Coin same as like
Fiat Money. AKA Coin Genesis Distribution Phase doesn’t have Economic Value, but if Demand Increases and Supply Remains Unchanged , then it Leads to Higher Equilibrium Price.

After AKA Successful Launch it’s Initial Use Case as a Medium of Crypto Learning & Practice, The Next Step is to Create a Demand for AKA Coin to bring it more Higher Equilibrium Price to become a Real Functional Utility Token then there will definitely be a continuous demand, instead how AKA can be sold out in period of time ( without a Real Functional
Utility, Token Value will eventually go down instead a Steady Rise of Value )

More Information Visit The AKA COMMUNITY Link:

White Paper:
AKA Community Official Group:
AKA Community Support Group:
AKA Community Official Page:

My profil:;u=2122176

About AKA Community

AKA is Community-Driven Social Network & Market Place Platform that Aims together with Community Putting People First

Hello everyone … see me again Wong Linglong3 this time I will explain at a glance about * AKA Community * so read carefully read thoroughly to your knowledge who knows useful for you in the future …


AKA is Community-Driven Platform that aims together with community putting people first. On AKA Platform, you can upload photos, video, files, write blogs, join in forums, and sell products at the marketplace. Where you can earn, spend and share AKA Coin as Community Currency all in one platform.
AKA Coin will be listed on Decentralized Exchange in December 2019. Because AKA did not have ICO and IEO, we are doing a voting to determine AKA listing price. You can join the voting here
About Us AKA Community
AKA is Community-Driven Platform that aims Together with Community putting People first. Build your Avatar into NeitherPia and begin your Avatarana.
AKA Community is the platform where you can upload photos, video, files, write blogs, join in forums, and sell products at the marketplace.
Earn,spend and share AKA Coin as Community Currency ( Ethereum-based CryptoCurrency ). All in one platform.


Crypto Currency Blockchain Technology is Predicted to be the Best Invention after the Internet. This Opinion is not a Shallow Judgments because we are seeing Big Corporations are Attracted and Investing Heavily on these Technology. Soon or Later these Technology will Bloom like Internet and Community is not Prepared Well on How to Embrace these Technology Wisely same as like Internet Frenzy before because of Limited number of Social Network MarketPlace Platform to Educate and Accommodate Non Crypto Crypto Community.
There are only a few Crypto Currency Projects in the Market now that are Initiated to be a Medium of Learning Practice in How to Use Crypto Currency Properly, Easier, Secure and give it’s All Behind Technology Advantages without having to invest first. This makes Crypto Currency hardly Gain Traction with Non Crypto Community because in their Understanding regarding Crypto Currency is not an Urgency Matters.
A Limited number of Social Network have Mutually Beneficial business model and Incentivization Scheme for User.
Third Party don’t have Express Affordable Promotion Long-Term Collaboration Platform and hardly recognise a Valid Supporter Participants
( Because the Inconvenience and Reluctance of supporters participants to do KYC for each different project )
Supporter Participants hardly to find platforms for Instant Cash Out Long-Term Gains to new project and only need once KYC for every project.
Difficulty to Launch Project with Express Traction and Supporter Participant hardly finds Instan Cash Out at Initial Phase.


AKA Coin is Ethereum-Based Crypto Currency and Begin its Debut as AKA Community Currency Outside Inside AKA Social Network MarketPlace Platform. AKA Platform is a Home to Educate and Accommodate AKA Community to be Involved in Crypto BlockChain Universe and Substantially use AKA Coin as a Medium of Learning Practice of Crypto Currency especially in Indonesia and for the Entire World.
Indonesia as the Fourth Most Populous Country on Earth but with minimum Education, Information and Practice of Crypto Currency Blockchain is the Perfect Trial Target of Learning and Practice.
In Order to make sure that AKA Crypto Currency Gains Traction, Contagious and become a Medium of Learning Practice of Crypto Currency, AKA Coin is offering AKA Crypto Currency to Everyone Free of Fiat Money Charge except Paying Gas Fee, by doing SelfDrop.
It’s a Mission to Introduce Crypto Currency as Future Digital Currency to Non Crypto Community and as an Alternate for Crypto Community.
AKA Social Network MarketPlace Claim its Platform as a Community-Driven because it’s business model and Incentivization Scheme for User through User Generated Content by :
1. Ads Promoted Content Scheme
The Customers want to place ads on the AKA platform, they need to use AKA Coin to get ad space.
The Customer also can Promote their Brand Page / MarketPlace using AKA Coin.
Same case if the User of the Platform wants to have Quick Engagement on their Account can use AKA Coin to Promote their Page, Post, MarketPlace Product or make Individual Ads.
All AKA Coin Fee for Promoting or Ads Service on the AKA Platform will be purchased on the Public Market ( not directly to AKA Teams ) then transferred to AKA Platform with If Condition :
This scheme will ensure AKA Developer can not OverWhelm User with Ads and Promoted Content with Holder participation by controlling AKA Coin supply at the market.
This will give Users Greater Freedom to manage funds by giving them the Freedom to choose whether their coins are saved / used / sold within desired price
2. AKA as a Platform that bridges User to Incentivize other User for their Generated Content.
Like, Comment, Share, Emoticon, Emoji, Expression, Clap, Up Vote / Down Vote, Flag, etc.
AKA wants to make difference here , but Why ?
User Generated Contents are Unique, which is why we never get bored glued our eyes on the screen for hours. And these hours are less or no Economic Value due electricity and internet data cost and productive hours taken away from User.
Why it is called Social Network ? Because One Of the Main Philosophy is to be Socially Useful.
In this Case let us use an Imagery :
Problem :
Someone posts himself or someone else who is struggling against economic hardships that are very urgent such as needing money for operations, accident, disaster and we only encourage or share posts / tag other people so that the news can reach other people which can be helped immediately which only eases the burden of the mind without reducing significant economic distress.
There is NO Personal Fund Raising Platform for Scholarship or Charity
Posts that are very useful, good, unique and a lot of sympathy. Where the creators sacrifice time and money to produce it. But we can not help financial support ( even if have a way but not in simple way ) so that the creator can continue to produce more and good works again. Options for monetizing content such as this must meet certain conditions that are applied on a number of platforms.
Solution :
a b : Donate Tipping as easy like clicking a button and directly without any fee.
( one of the advantages of a crypto currency is that it can send without a minimum amount, in this way any small amount of appreciation can remain valuable because it can be balanced with the large number of senders participants )
3. AKA as a Platform that Bridges Third Parties / Brand to Introduce Product / Services while Incentivize User in Mutually Beneficial way.
The AKA Platform will facilitate promotion / market research activities that are mutually beneficial to both parties ( brand and user ) and AKA will not collect fees for these activities.
This facilities is useful to make it easy for brand holder to find verified ,valid and qualified users.
And for freelancers / volunteers can easily get chance for qualified opportunities with themselves.
Creating an ad system that is user friendly while mutually beneficial ,less annoying with more comfortable ambient due familiar people personal touch introducing brand will make brand ad more having a deep engagement.
Use Case :
Recommendations, testimonials, endorse of certain brands on public / official / casual posts by user on AKA social media or in the market place.
Users can be as refferal, dropshipper, agents, distributors, affiliate partners for certain brands in the market place.
And the most important point A B will be seen in the social commerce ad package on the AKA social media market place platform.
( Important ! Point C must be by legal agreement that both parties agree within a certain period and point C is not a requirement to be able to do point A B, but only as a refinement )
And AKA sees this as an elegant and mutually supportive way for both parties, the Brand Holder can also build a positive image by helping to empower its users economically. It’s not like the mainstream that exists now, just because it’s based on users using SaaS for free then the self entity we are considered normal to be included in a package of social commerce ads that towards to commercialization. ( Even after TOS approval )
“This is Public Unaware Ugly Truth”
With the existence of commercial advertisements whose existence is recognized supported by valid users, the presence of friends, acquaintances or even families who support certain brands will make it easy for users to make choices over certain brands and facilitate the visibility of a brand, helping to build consumer trust in certain brands.
Brand holders can also conduct surveys / market research or feedback with a verified valid user who provides a direct response.

Project Launching

Win-Win Solution between Developer and Supporter Participants.
Developer can offer valid Participants some AKA Coin for instant Reward to join it’s Group as Supporter then Developer can Initiate it’s Project Champaign for long-term with participants and rewarding Participants with it’s own way.
Developer can use platform ( create group and gathering participants ) and gets a valid Supporter Participants for Free , AKA Coin only used to Rewarding Onboarding Effort of Participants.
Developer also can Promote its Project outside Group ( Inside AKA Platform ) with some AKA Coin as Retribution Fee.
Flow :
– Project X want to Launch it’s Token / Product and need Valid Participants.
– Project X open Group on the AKA Platform.
– Developer Publish Announcements Stated it’s Group Rules. ( Eq. Task and Period of short-term long-term)
– Participants must commit short term rules ( period of stay and task ) before Onboarding.
– If Participants break rules then Developer have Right to reported it. Participant will be recorded and listed on Transparent Supporter Participant Public List for each rules breakage.
– Mutual Agreements for long-term task period of stay rules is not Obligation to both parties ( depends on Champaign Traction )
– Onboarding Participants will be instantly rewarded some AKA Coin.
– Developer begins it’s long-term Champaign and participants supporters conduct it’s own analysis have decisions Rights to stay supporting or no longer.

AKA Coin Detail

Token Name: AKA Coin
Token Ticker : AKA
Token Symbol : ≹
Token Standard: ERC-20
Blockchain Platform: Ethereum
Total Supply: 77,000,000,000
Decimals: 18
1st Self Drop Amount: 170.000 AKA
Block Explorer:

AKA Coin Allocation Supply


Road Map

Q3 2019
– Launch AKA Beta Platform
– Smart Contract Deployed on Ethereum Network
– SelfDrop, AirDrop and Bounty
Q4 2019
– Dex Trading
– BitcointalkAKA Platform Bounty
– Exchange Listing Voting
Q1 2020
– Listing on Exchange
– Trading Competitions
– Wallet Integration on AKA Platform Donate / Tipping
– Bounty ( Content Challenge )
Q2 2020
– Listing on more Exchange
– Trading Competitions
– Dating,FundRaising,Marketplace with AKA Coin available on AKA Platform.
Q3 2020
– Third Party Service Project Launcing on AKA Platform
– Third Party Service/ Brand to Introduce Product/ Services while Incentivize User in Mutually Beneficial way
Update Roadmap Q4 2020 -2021


Yetty Chua: CEO Founder
Rinto Effendy: COO Co Founder
AKA Community Official Group |
AKA Community Support Group |
AKA Community Official Page |

My profil:;u=2122176



KAPPI works as a network of several different independent blockchains, which are called spaces.
KAPPI works as a network of several different independent blockchains, which are called spaces. Each of these spaces is powered through a KAPPI DWARF, ensuring that there are a consistent, high-performing and secure PBFT similar consensus engine wherein the accountability is guaranteed through forks. The KAPPI algorithm is scalable and can be used for proof of stake, public blockchains.The KAPPI is a cryptocurrency that operates a multi-asset proof of stake and has a simple governance system that allows for upgrades and is generally adaptable. The KAPPI DWARF can connect to other spaces allowing it to be extended.
KAPPI is comprised of a network of many blockchains that being powered by KAPPI. KAPPI allows many blockchains to be running concurrently with each other whilst retaining interoperability. At its DWARF, KAPPI DWARF manages multiple independent blockchain ‘zones’, that are also referred to by some as shards. With a constant stream of block commits coming from zones on the DWARF, it can keep up with each zone’s information and its current state. In turn, the zones keep up with the DWARF, but not each other except through the DWARF. Information packets are sent from one zone to another through the DWARF through Merkle-proof posting showing that the information was both sent and received accurately.
Due to the inter-blockchain communication, any zone can be a DWARF for the purpose of forming an acrylic graph, if desired. The KAPPI DWARF blockchain consists of a multiple asset distribution ledger with tokens being individually used or used within a zone itself. Tokens can be moved between zones through a DWARF responsible for preserving any global invariance of the total token value across each zone. Sender, receiver, or DWARF blockchains can commit IBC coin packet transactions. The KAPPI DWARF is the central ledger for the entire system and its security is of primary importance. Each zone can have a KAPPI blockchain that is secured by no less than 4 (or less if not using the BFT consensus) and is secured by a set of validators that are globally decentralized to serve as being strong enough to stop any type of hack or attack scenario. The KAPPI zone constitutes an individual blockchain which exchanges IBC messages to the DWARF.
The DWARF would conceive a zone to be a multiple asset membership dynamic with a multiple signature account capable of sending and receiving tokens through IBC packets. Like any cryptocurrency account, zones cannot transfer a token if they do not have that token to send but are able to receive tokens. Zones can use one or more types of tokens, which gives it the ability to inflate token supplies. Atoms of the KAPPI DWARF can be staked by any validator of a zone which is connected to the DWARF. This could result in a double spend attack, but it would be slashed through the KAPPI fork accountability, a zone where voting power cannot create any invalid state. KAPPI DWARF will not execute or verify any transaction that is committed in another DWARF, so users must send tokens to trustworthy zones.

Inter-zone Communication

Using an example, let’s say there are three blockchains, one of which is the DWARF. We want to produce a packet that is destined to arrive at one of the 2 non-DWARF zones. For a packet to be moved between blockchains it is first posted on the receiving chain; the proof will state that a packet was published by the sending chain for the destination. For this proof to be checked by the receiving chain it has to keep speed with the sender’s block headers. This is quite similar to sidechains that require interacting chains to be aware of each other through bidirectional chains through the use of datagram proof of existence transactions. The IBC protocol is able to define two types of transactions, a packet which facilitates the blockchain proof to observers of the last block hash and one that allows the blockchain to prove that the sender’s application published any given packet through the Merkle-proof. Since these mechanics are split into different transactions there is an allowance for the native fee mechanism of the receiver chain to determine what packet is acknowledged whilst allowing freedom for the sending chain to send any number of outbound packets.

Bridge Zones

A bridge is what the relationship between the DWARF and the zone is called. Both have to keep up to date information on the other’s blocks for the purpose of verifying proofs when tokens move between the two. The bridge zone has an indirection which lets the DWARF logic to stay agnostic and simple to the other blockchain’s consensus algorithm strategies. Every bridge zone validator will operate an KAPPI powered blockchain that includes an ABCI bridge app and a full node of the original blockchain. As new blocks are mined the bridge zone validators reach agreement on committed blocks through signing and sharing each perspective view of the blockchain tip origin. When payment is passed through a bridge zone on origin and there have been enough confirmations a corresponding account is created on the bridge with that balance. The bridge zone can share validator sets on networks such as Ethereum.
This type of multiple ability lets KAPPI zones become bridges to various cryptocurrencies and allows derivatives to be created of those blockchains, using the same codebase and integrating a different initial distribution and validator set. This creates the ability to link to other frameworks using the KAPPI engine as a common network. Within a multiple asset blockchain a singular transaction can include different inputs and outputs, wherein any input can be a different type of token. This enables KAPPI to operate as a decentralized exchange platform directly. Zones can also act as faulttolerant distributed exchanges that is better than other centralized cryptocurrency exchanges in the sense that it is not prone to hacking.
Sharding strategies are also being reviewed by Ethereum in an effort to address their own scalability issues. Ethereum is aiming to create a solution that maintains the abstraction layers that the EVM has across all shared space. This makes it clear that KAPPI and Ethereum operate different design goals, which KAPPI being about tokens and not being bound to the EVM. KAPPI will allow the zone creator to determine who is in a position to validate the zone. In KAPPI, anyone will be able to start a new zone, and the DWARF will act to isolate any failures within a zone for the purpose of preserving any token invariants that are preserved The Lightning Network is a token transfer system which has been proposed to operate one layer above the Bitcoin blockchain, or other public blockchain, and which will allow larger order throughput through pushing most transactions out of the consensus ledger into different payment channels through on-chain crypto scripts.
This would allow bilateral stateful contracts where sharing digital signatures will act to update the state, and then at close the evidence will be added to the blockchain. The Lightning Network can easily extend across more than one blockchain for the purpose of transferring values in an exchange market, but it can’t asymmetrically transfer tokens between blockchains. The KAPPI network does allow such direct token transfers.Tokens that remain through the use of their backup key. For the prevention of this feature being abused, a portion of unvested vs vested tokens and delegators before and after the hacker report will stay the same and the hacker’s bounty will be inclusive of any unvested tokens. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance was the original blockchain consensus, but KAPPI consensus is simpler to execute and use. This is because the blocks in KAPPI have to commit sequentially, which supersedes PBFT’s view changes. In our blockchain there is no need to make a block commit if the original block has yet to commit. If it transpires the reason why n doesn’t commit within the KAPPI zone it will not help to integrate bandwidth sharing votes for N+I block. N+I will not commit if the reason is due to an offline node or a network partition. Block batching transactions facilitate Merkle-hashing of the application state, which works better than PBFT’s checkpoint and runs faster transaction commits that are provable inter-blockchain communication.

Distribution Token

  • 35%: Personal sales
  • 20%: Public Sales
  • 20%: Team
  • 10%: platform development fund
  • 10%: Play swap burn
  • 5%: Bounty


We have big plans for future requests.Previous
Mar 2018Blockchain research
August 2018Initial coding, draft whitepaper
December 2018Prospective investor meetings
May 2019Kappi Network LTD was formed
Jun 2019Personal Sales
August 2019Distribution registration
Sep 2019Public sales
February 2020Testnet 1.0 (Red Dwarf) lives
May 2020Testnet 2.0 (White Dwarf) lives
Jul 2020Mainnet (Polymorph) lives
Nov 2020Mainnet swap
Feb 2021Kappi Network blockchain licensing
May 2021Mainstream adoption through licensing sales

Meet Our Team

Daniel JonssonFounding father
Anna LanonenDevelopment of Project Leaders
Miguela WebsterNetwork Architect
Anna KetolaThe developer
Saad SherThe developer
David AttardGraphic designer


KAPPI works as a network of several different independent blockchains, which are called spaces. Each of these spaces is powered through a KAPPI DWARF, ensuring that there are a consistent, high-performing and secure PBFT similar consensus engine wherein the accountability is guaranteed through forks. The KAPPI algorithm is scalable and can be used for proof of stake, public blockchains.The KAPPI is a cryptocurrency that operates a multi-asset proof of stake and has a simple governance system that allows for upgrades and is generally adaptable. The KAPPI DWARF can connect to other spaces allowing it to be extended.
KAPPI is comprised of a network of many blockchains that being powered by KAPPI. KAPPI allows many blockchains to be running concurrently with each other whilst retaining interoperability. At its DWARF, KAPPI DWARF manages multiple independent blockchain ‘zones’, that are also referred to by some as shards. With a constant stream of block commits coming from zones on the DWARF, it can keep up with each zone’s information and its current state. In turn, the zones keep up with the DWARF, but not each other except through the DWARF. Information packets are sent from one zone to another through the DWARF through Merkle-proof posting showing that the information was both sent and received accurately.
Due to the inter-blockchain communication, any zone can be a DWARF for the purpose of forming an acrylic graph, if desired. The KAPPI DWARF blockchain consists of a multiple asset distribution ledger with tokens being individually used or used within a zone itself. Tokens can be moved between zones through a DWARF responsible for preserving any global invariance of the total token value across each zone. Sender, receiver, or DWARF blockchains can commit IBC coin packet transactions. The KAPPI DWARF is the central ledger for the entire system and its security is of primary importance. Each zone can have a KAPPI blockchain that is secured by no less than 4 (or less if not using the BFT consensus) and is secured by a set of validators that are globally decentralized to serve as being strong enough to stop any type of hack or attack scenario. The KAPPI zone constitutes an individual blockchain which exchanges IBC messages to the DWARF.
The DWARF would conceive a zone to be a multiple asset membership dynamic with a multiple signature account capable of sending and receiving tokens through IBC packets. Like any cryptocurrency account, zones cannot transfer a token if they do not have that token to send but are able to receive tokens. Zones can use one or more types of tokens, which gives it the ability to inflate token supplies. Atoms of the KAPPI DWARF can be staked by any validator of a zone which is connected to the DWARF. This could result in a double spend attack, but it would be slashed through the KAPPI fork accountability, a zone where voting power cannot create any invalid state. KAPPI DWARF will not execute or verify any transaction that is committed in another DWARF, so users must send tokens to trustworthy zones.
Inter-zone Communication
Using an example, let’s say there are three blockchains, one of which is the DWARF. We want to produce a packet that is destined to arrive at one of the 2 non-DWARF zones. For a packet to be moved between blockchains it is first posted on the receiving chain; the proof will state that a packet was published by the sending chain for the destination. For this proof to be checked by the receiving chain it has to keep speed with the sender’s block headers. This is quite similar to sidechains that require interacting chains to be aware of each other through bidirectional chains through the use of datagram proof of existence transactions. The IBC protocol is able to define two types of transactions, a packet which facilitates the blockchain proof to observers of the last block hash and one that allows the blockchain to prove that the sender’s application published any given packet through the Merkle-proof. Since these mechanics are split into different transactions there is an allowance for the native fee mechanism of the receiver chain to determine what packet is acknowledged whilst allowing freedom for the sending chain to send any number of outbound packets.
**Bridge Zones **
A bridge is what the relationship between the DWARF and the zone is called. Both have to keep up to date information on the other’s blocks for the purpose of verifying proofs when tokens move between the two. The bridge zone has an indirection which lets the DWARF logic to stay agnostic and simple to the other blockchain’s consensus algorithm strategies. Every bridge zone validator will operate an KAPPI powered blockchain that includes an ABCI bridge app and a full node of the original blockchain. As new blocks are mined the bridge zone validators reach agreement on committed blocks through signing and sharing each perspective view of the blockchain tip origin. When payment is passed through a bridge zone on origin and there have been enough confirmations a corresponding account is created on the bridge with that balance. The bridge zone can share validator sets on networks such as Ethereum.
This type of multiple ability lets KAPPI zones become bridges to various cryptocurrencies and allows derivatives to be created of those blockchains, using the same codebase and integrating a different initial distribution and validator set. This creates the ability to link to other frameworks using the KAPPI engine as a common network. Within a multiple asset blockchain a singular transaction can include different inputs and outputs, wherein any input can be a different type of token. This enables KAPPI to operate as a decentralized exchange platform directly. Zones can also act as faulttolerant distributed exchanges that is better than other centralized cryptocurrency exchanges in the sense that it is not prone to hacking.
Sharding strategies are also being reviewed by Ethereum in an effort to address their own scalability issues. Ethereum is aiming to create a solution that maintains the abstraction layers that the EVM has across all shared space. This makes it clear that KAPPI and Ethereum operate different design goals, which KAPPI being about tokens and not being bound to the EVM. KAPPI will allow the zone creator to determine who is in a position to validate the zone. In KAPPI, anyone will be able to start a new zone, and the DWARF will act to isolate any failures within a zone for the purpose of preserving any token invariants that are preserved The Lightning Network is a token transfer system which has been proposed to operate one layer above the Bitcoin blockchain, or other public blockchain, and which will allow larger order throughput through pushing most transactions out of the consensus ledger into different payment channels through on-chain crypto scripts.
This would allow bilateral stateful contracts where sharing digital signatures will act to update the state, and then at close the evidence will be added to the blockchain. The Lightning Network can easily extend across more than one blockchain for the purpose of transferring values in an exchange market, but it can’t asymmetrically transfer tokens between blockchains. The KAPPI network does allow such direct token transfers.Tokens that remain through the use of their backup key. For the prevention of this feature being abused, a portion of unvested vs vested tokens and delegators before and after the hacker report will stay the same and the hacker’s bounty will be inclusive of any unvested tokens. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance was the original blockchain consensus, but KAPPI consensus is simpler to execute and use. This is because the blocks in KAPPI have to commit sequentially, which supersedes PBFT’s view changes. In our blockchain there is no need to make a block commit if the original block has yet to commit. If it transpires the reason why n doesn’t commit within the KAPPI zone it will not help to integrate bandwidth sharing votes for N+I block. N+I will not commit if the reason is due to an offline node or a network partition. Block batching transactions facilitate Merkle-hashing of the application state, which works better than PBFT’s checkpoint and runs faster transaction commits that are provable inter-blockchain communication.
Distribution Token

35%: Personal sales
20%: Public Sales
20%: Team
10%: platform development fund
10%: Play swap burn
5%: Bounty

We have big plans for future requests.Previous
Mar 2018
Blockchain research
August 2018
Initial coding, draft whitepaper
December 2018
Prospective investor meetings
May 2019
Kappi Network LTD was formed
Jun 2019
Personal Sales
August 2019
Distribution registration
Sep 2019
Public sales
February 2020
Testnet 1.0 (Red Dwarf) lives
May 2020
Testnet 2.0 (White Dwarf) lives
Jul 2020
Mainnet (Polymorph) lives
Nov 2020
Mainnet swap
Feb 2021
Kappi Network blockchain licensing
May 2021
Mainstream adoption through licensing sales
Meet Our Team
Daniel Jonsson
Founding father

Anna Lanonen
Development of Project Leaders
Miguela Webster
Network Architect
Anna Ketola
The developer
Saad Sher
The developer
David Attard
Graphic designer

MineMuse Launches the World Commercial Mining Program.

MineMuse’s cloud mining programme offers ICO pre-sale investors a unique opportunity to invest in large-scale bitcoin mining and generate massive and consistent profits for years.
MineMuse LLC has officially launched the crowdfunding programme for its commercial bitcoin mining operations with the installation of over 5000 ASICs/GPUs as part of its first phase of the multi-stage infrastructure deployment after obtaining a seed funding of $3 million. The company has simultaneously started offering pre-sale tokens for its eponymous cryptocurrency (MNM) starting this month.
The MineMuse cloud mining programme aims to democratise bitcoin mining, which is currently consolidated by large corporations who have the vast resources essential for realising the huge economies of scale critical for making bitcoin mining profitable. The ever-increasing costs of bitcoin mining have made it all but unprofitable for small-scale operations. Therefore, MineMuse cloud mining programme relies on crowdfunding to deploy the highly expensive, specialised infrastructure and operations required for mining bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.
This unique cloud mining programme vastly minimises costs and thereby maximises profits for the stakeholders in several ways. Firstly, obtaining IT infrastructure required for the mining directly from the manufacturers helps keep upfront investment and operational costs low. Secondly, the mining centres are located in colder regions globally, so that the natural cooling saves astronomical costs that would otherwise be incurred on cooling the servers. Lastly, only the most advanced hardware is deployed for mining, which maximises the efficiency of the mining operations.
As MineMuse expands its infrastructure deployment and operations, it calls upon enterprising investors to be part of its growth story and reap the rewards by investing in its initial coin offering’s presale. The presale is offering 9.43 million MNM tokens at $0.3 per token, essentially allowing the early investors an opportunity to invest in MNM tokens at a 40% discounted price. The upcoming public sale will offer the same MNM tokens for $0.5.
The highly efficient, large-scale operations of MineMuse offer 7.2% to 10.4% assured returns for investors every day. Over a 20-day sprint, the returns on investments accumulate to as much as 208%, effectively giving investors a flat 108% net profits on their investments.
The company is working with renewable energy equipment manufacturers to obtain and install solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy-powered power plants to keep their mining operations eco-friendly, cost-effective, and unexposed to the risks of the changing political climate.

Low-Cost Electricity

The crypto mining business sector is highly dependent on the energy supply.
The price and availability of electric power are the two most important
factors for mining companies. Electric power is the medium through which
maximum profit for mining can be generated so the, more emphasis is laid
upon to conserve the electric power.
Countries like Russia, Belarus, and Venezuela have a surplus of electricity as
well as renewable energy resources like Solar Systems, Turbines etc. Also the
cost of power is very cheap as compared to other regions.
To be efficient and to meet the best requirements in terms of low cost
electricity supply we have established our mining station in these regions and
also have the access to many natural resources which helps in reducing the
infrastructure to be used and increasing the overall profit.

Electricity generated through natural Recourses

  1. Wind energy
    We convert the kinetic energy of wind into the electricity in the wind
  2. Biomass
    The organic, non-fossil material of biological origin mainly like wood and wood waste, biogas, biofuels and the organic fraction of municipal and industrial waste is used to generate heat production or electric power.
  3. Solar Energy
    The solar radiations are exploited for heat or electric power.
  4. Fossil fuel resources
    The non-renewable natural energy sources like coal, natural gas and oil, which are formed using the plants and animals biomass. These Fossil Fuels are carbon-based and currently supply the most of the human energy requirements.
  5. Wind Turbines
    Wind power converts the kinetic energy in wind to generate electric power. This is achieved by using a large wind turbine, the turbine can be connected to a generator to generate electricity, or the wind used as mechanical power to perform tasks such as pumping water or grinding grain.

Cloud Mining:

The process of using hardware power to mine coins remotely is Cloud or
remote mining. The main reason for the existence of this model is the fact
that the increasing difficulty of mining has made it unprofitable for people to
start mining at home.
The more accessible model for remote mining is cloud mining, where a
part of the mining hardware is purchased by the miner which is hosted
and owned by a mining service provider. Here the requirements such as
configuration of the hardware, maintaining uptime and selecting the most
efficient and reliable pools is taken care by the service provider.
There are a lot of pros that this option provides: instant connection (i.e no
waiting time and delivery risk for hardware shipment), static maintenance
and no issues related to noise, heat or space for mining.

Why Cloud Mining?

Cloud mining gives people a unique opportunity to begin mining without the
need for a large initial investment. Also for mining in this model no technical
expertise is required. Over here the customers can buy any sort and amount
of hashpower they require, i.e enthusiast miners themselves can decide
upon the investment theywant to make.
This reduces the risk factor and also the total investments in terms of hardware and future maintenance.
Here at MineMuse we eliminate your hassles. Along with the best expert
advice, we offer you our mining packages at our mining stations in countries/
regions which arrange for the best mining facilities at the most affordable
rates. We guarantee quick connections, full time access and monitoring, user
friendly management interface, 24/7 uptime and payouts.

Coin Details


Token Distribution

  6. PRE SALE: 23%
  7. PUBLIC SALE: 45%



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